GoldenGate 11g Exam

Oracle GoldenGate 11g Certified Implementation Exam Essentials  Certification Exam Dumps Practice Test

You can easily pass 1Z0-481 Oracle GoldenGate 11g Certified Implementation Exam Essentials Certification with the help of our online practice exam. At oraclestudy.com, we are here to help you in clearing your Oracle 1Z0-481 certification exam. Our team of experienced and certified Oracle professionals with more than 12 years of experience in Oracle Technology has designed this practice exam. We have carefully maintained exam structure, exam syllabus, exam duration and passing score same as actual Oracle 1Z0-481 certification exam. Our online practice exam contains practical and case study based questions. These questions are the most frequently asked in actual Oracle GoldenGate 11g Certified Implementation Exam Essentials (1Z0-481) certification exam for Oracle GoldenGate 11g Certified Implementation Specialist (OCS) credential.

Free Exam Practise Questions And Answers

Exam Objectives

The exam objectives are defined by learner or
practitioner level of knowledge:
• Learner-level: questions require the candidate to recall
information to determine the correct answer.
• Practitioner-level: questions require the candidate to derive
the correct answer from the application of their knowledge,
which can only be attained by extensive experience with the

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As we often say at ExamTopics, work smarter not harder. You are about to see a study guide that took hours of hard collection work, expert preparation, and constant feedback. That’s why we know this exam prep will help you get that high-score on your journey to certification. Our study guides are the real thing. Our study guides are so accurate, we have to fight the droves of clone test prep sites that actually steal our material. Don’t worry though, we believe by offering our material free and upholding good values, ExamTopics will always have a strong community and a coveted place in the certification world.

Your Journey To Pass The 1z0-481

Perhaps this is your first step toward the certification, or perhaps you are coming back for another round. We hope that you feel this exam challenges you, teaches you, and prepares you to pass the 1z0-481. If this is your first study guide, take a moment to relax. This could be the first step to a new high-paying job and an AMAZING career. If you’ve been around the block a few times, consider taking a moment and answering some questions from newer techies. After all, it’s our great community that illuminates the material and helps build something great.

Using Exam Topics

Practicing for an exam like the 1z0-481 can be a full-time job. In fact some exams are actually paid for by work because they are so intensive. Certification is not simple and takes immense work. It takes time, practice, and the right focus. We here at ExamTopics understand that. We understand that because we have been in this industry for years and working in space full of less savory test prep sources. These terrible prep sources pushed our team to make a positive change in the Exam space. We got sick and tired of seeing potential exam candidates get price-gouged over CCNA braindumps. We couldn’t handle knowing that hard workers from across the world, seeking new skills and a better life, get tricked into paying absurd amounts for low-quality exam materials. Often material that was out of date or at best, available online through community sites without hurting the wallet. And it had to stop. You are ready to jump in!


Why Is Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service set up with Oracle Database Cloud Service?

Oracle Database Cloud Service is an ideal fit for:Maintaining synchronized Oracle standby or Replicat databases for disaster recovery and/or query offloading using Oracle Active Data Guard or Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service.Quickly provisioning high-performance Oracle databases for dynamic business reasons such as feature development, functionality testing, application certification, proof of concept, and try before buy.Executing time-sensitive large-scale business applications such as launching a web-based marketing campaign, running loyalty programs, and rolling out new business initiatives.

What are the benefits of using your current Oracle GoldenGate installation with Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service?

Oracle GoldenGate installation is used to support mission-critical systems for data availability and integration. Oracle GoldenGate also addresses your requirements for ensuring your data is consistent between cloud and on-premises instances.

Can I use my existing GoldenGate deployments with GoldenGate Cloud Service?

Yes, you can use your existing non-cloud GoldenGate Extract and data pump to deliver data to GoldenGate Cloud Service.

The Replicat in GoldenGate Cloud Service instance delivers the data to Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Do I have to subscribe Oracle Database Cloud Service?

Yes you do. As a prerequisite for using GoldenGate Cloud Service you need:

  • Oracle Database Cloud Service for in cloud delivery.

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