RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator Certification Exam Dumps Practice Test
For every doctor and nurse who provides medical care, there are professionals working behind the scenes for the wellbeing of patients. Registered Health Information Administrators handle health information and manage medical records. But to attain this position, candidates must pass the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) exam. The American Health Information Management Association administers the test.
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- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
- RHIA-Registered Health Information Administrator
How Is the RHIA Exam Scored?
You will be given a scaled score ranging from 100 to 400. In order to pass, you will need a minimum of 300. You will not find out how you did until your receive your score report four to eight weeks after the date of the exam. If you need your results by a certain date, you should factor this wait time in when deciding on an appointment to take the exam.
Do I Need to Study for the RHIA Exam?
While you will be familiar with much of the material thanks to your training and education, it’s highly recommended that you still spend a few weeks reviewing everything and working on fundamental test-taking skills like memory, recall, speed, and accuracy.
To do that, pick up the Mometrix Study Guide. In addition to a complete overview of all five domains covered in the test, you’ll get lots of extra tools like practice questions, a proven study schedule to follow, and test-taking strategies that will help you ace even the trickiest of questions.
For even better results, add Mometrix Flashcards to your toolkit. These flashcards are beautifully made and super portable. So you’ll be able to get in a few extra study sessions no matter where you are. Plus, they are a great way to review the material you need to know for the test in a more interactive and engaging way.
Who Can Take the RHIA Exam?
To be eligible you have to meet just one of the following five criteria:
- You have successfully completed an accredited, baccalaureate-level program in Health Information Management.
- You have successfully completed an accredited, master’s level program in Health Information Management.
- You have successfully completed an accredited, post-baccalaureate degree program in Health Information Management.
- You have successfully completed a foreign degree program in Health Information Management that is approved by a foreign association with which the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has a reciprocity agreement.
- You are a registered health information technician (RHIT) who meets the proviso conditions approved by the CCHIIM.
How Should I Prepare for Test Day?
The entire exam will last four hours and there are no scheduled breaks. So it’s extremely important that you make sure you are comfortable, well rested, and well-nourished before you arrive at the testing center. Here are a few tips to make sure you are ready to perform your best:
- Try to get a full night of sleep before the test.
- Wake up early enough that you can eat a full breakfast, get ready, and go to the testing center without having to rush.
- Bring a light jacket or sweater that you can easily take off or put on while you’re taking the test so that you can adjust as necessary to the temperature in the exam room.
- Make sure to hydrate earlier in the morning but avoid drinking anything within the last 45 minutes to an hour before your appointment to avoid the need for restroom breaks after the exam starts.
What are the eligibility requirements to take the Registered Health Information Administrator exam?
Candidates must meet one of several different education requirements. At a minimum, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited Health Information Management program. For the list of requirements, consult the American Health Information Management Association guidelines.
What’s the fee to take the exam?
The test fee is $217.55 for American Health Information Management Association premier members, $229 for members, and $299 for non-members.
How many questions are on the exam?
There are 180 questions on the test. Of those, 160 are scored and 20 are not.
What is the passing score for the Registered Health Information Administrator exam?
Candidates must achieve a score of 300 (out of 400) to pass the test.
When will I receive my test results?
Candidates will receive their test results when they complete their exam.
How much time do I have to complete the exam?
Candidates have four hours to complete the test.
Can I bring my own calculator into the test room?
No. Calculators are among the list of prohibited items and cannot be brought into the test room. Other banned items include cell phones, digital devices, handbags, and purses. You should consult your test materials for a complete list of banned items.
What’s on the Registered Health Information Administrator test?
The exam contains five different domains, or content, areas. They are:
- Data Content, Structure & Standards (Information Governance). This section will assess an individual’s ability in classification systems, including using established guidelines for code diagnosis and procedures; health record content and documentation, including health data and records accuracy and integrity; data governance, including understanding regulatory requirements in maintaining data; and data management and secondary data sources, including database management.
- Information Protection: Access, Disclosure, Archival, Privacy, and Security. Candidates can expect questions in areas that include health law, including healthcare information laws; data privacy, confidentiality, and security, which includes the ability to design policies to implement privacy and security practices to protect health information; and the release of information, including policy development on the release and disclosure of health information.
- Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use includes health information technologies and technology applications management; strategic planning and the ability to summarize and synthesize data for uses in the organization; analytics and decision support, including information interpretation for the end user; the ability to calculate and analyze healthcare statistics; and understanding the best data sources for research.
- Revenue Management includes issues involving the revenue cycle and reimbursement; regulatory issues like the ability to process and perform audits; ensuring coding accuracy; fraud, including medical identity theft; and reimbursement documentation.
- Leadership involves meeting organization and facilitation; support and motivation through coaching and mentoring; new process implementation and organizational change; process improvement plans (developing and monitoring); human resources activities, including staff recruiting and job description creation; the ability to assist in capital budget preparation; and management activities that include project management, vendor/contractor management, and enterprise information management.
Should I arrive at the test center early?
Yes. Any candidate who arrives more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to take the exam and will forfeit all exam fees.
What identification will I need on test day?
Candidates must present two forms of identification: a primary and secondary form. The primary form must be government-issued identification, like a driver’s license or passport, that contains a photograph and signature. Secondary identification must contain the candidate’s signature. A social security card or credit card are among the forms of acceptable secondary identification.
I need some outstanding study materials to help me prepare for this exam. Which ones should I buy?
Mometrix has exactly what you need. Our study guide provides a study plan and information on how to avoid careless mistakes. Our flashcards are a terrific tool for studying for the Registered Health Information Administrator exam. These portable cards mean you can study anywhere, anytime. These are the best study tools you can buy.
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