IGCSE Islamiat

This syllabus enables learners to develop an understanding of the importance of the major beliefs of Islam, and of the early history of the Islamic community. As a result, learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the main elements of Islamic faith and history, evaluating the meaning and importance of these elements in the lives and thoughts of Muslims. Although the syllabus is studied in English, some familiarity with passages from the Qur’an and Hadith in Arabic is assumed.

 Syllabus overview

All candidates take two written papers and answer in English. Both papers must be taken for the candidate
to be awarded a grade. Candidates are eligible for grades A* to E.

Paper 1 1½ hours
Paper 1 contains five questions of which candidates must answer Question 1, Question 2 and two
1. Major themes of the Qur’an: Three passages will be set from the list in Appendix 1, of which
candidates may choose any two. [8 marks]
2. The history and importance of the Qur’an: This question is usually set in more than one part, and
requires an essay length answer. [14 marks]
3. The life and importance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): One or two questions are set, usually
in more than one part, requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
4. The first Islamic community: One or two questions are set, usually in more than one part,
requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
Total mark = 50.

Paper 2 1½ hours
Paper 2 contains five questions of which candidates must answer Question 1, Question 2 and two
1. Major teachings in the Hadiths of the Prophet: Four passages are set from the list in Appendix 2,
of which candidates may choose any two. [8 marks]
2. The history and importance of the Hadiths: This question is usually set in more than one part, and
requires an essay length answer. [14 marks]
3. The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as leaders: One or two
questions are set, usually in more than one part, requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
4. The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam: One or two questions are set, usually in more than
one part, requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
Total mark = 50.

Course content

Candidates should study the whole of the syllabus.

1. Major themes of the Qur’an
Three groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to the themes of:
God in himself
God’s relationship with the created world
God’s Messengers.
Candidates should explore:
• the major theme or themes of the Qur’an that appear in each passage, and
• the importance of these themes in the lives of Muslims today.
Candidates should study the passages in a recognised English translation, but with reference to the
original Arabic text. In the examination passages will be set in both Arabic and English. Candidates should
demonstrate knowledge of the original as well as the translation.
Appendix 1 lists the passages for examination in 2022 and 2023. These are reviewed periodically and may

2. The history and importance of the Qur’an
Candidates should study:
• the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet (pbuh) between the years 610 and 632
• the account of the compilation of the Qur’an under the Rightly Guided Caliphs
• the major themes of the Qur’an as contained both in the passages set for special study and in other
similar passages
• the use of the Qur’an in legal thinking, and its relationship with the Hadiths, consensus (ijma‘) and
analogy (qiyas)
• its significance as the basis of all thought and action in Islam

3. The life and importance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Candidates should study:
• the main events of the Prophet’s life from his birth to his call to prophethood
• the main events of his activities in Makka and his experiences with his opponents
• the main events of his activities in Madina, his leadership of the community there and his conflicts with
the Makkans and others
• his actions and character
• the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim individuals in their personal conduct and relations
with others including women and non-Muslims
• the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with other states
• his significance as Seal of the Prophets and last Messenger of God.
Candidates should be able to give accounts of the main events of the Prophet’s life, and his significance in
Muslim beliefs. They should also be able to explain the importance of his actions and experiences in the
history and beliefs of Islam, particularly in the way they provide examples for present day Muslim individuals
and communities.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic

4. The first Islamic community

Candidates should study:
• the Prophet’s wives
• his descendants, including his children, grandchildren and the direct line recognised among Shi‘a
Muslims as Imams
• his leading Companions, including the Ten Blessed Companions, his Scribes, the major characters who
surrounded him in his ministry, the Emigrants and Helpers, and the four Rightly Guided Caliphs during
his lifetime. (Note that the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs’ rules after the time of the Prophet
(pbuh) is included in the syllabus under Paper 2.)
Candidates should know the names of the main characters who lived with and near the Prophet (pbuh), and
the significant facts of their lives. They should also be able to explain the importance of their actions and
experiences in the history and beliefs of Islam

1. Major teachings in the Hadiths of the Prophet
Two groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to:
• individual conduct
• life in the community.
Candidates should study the teachings contained in each passage about what Muslims should believe and
how they should act.
Candidates should study the passages with reference to the original Arabic text as well as the English
translation. In the examination, passages will be set in both Arabic and English.
Appendix 2 contains the passages for examination in 2022 and 2023. These are reviewed periodically and
may change.

2. The history and importance of the Hadiths
Candidates should study:
• the history of the compilation of the Hadiths
• the earliest collections
• the main musnad and musannaf collections
• the main compilers and their activities
• the methods based on examination of the chain of transmitters (isnad) and the text (matn) of a Hadith to
test the reliability of the Hadith
• the main features of the six collections of Sunni Hadiths and the four collections of Shi‘a Hadiths
• the major themes of the Hadiths as these are contained both in the passages set for special study and in
other similar passages
• their use in legal thinking, and their relationship with the Qur’an, consensus (ijma‘) and analogy (qiyas)
• their significance in thought and action in Islam

3. The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as
Candidates should study:
• the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs
• their policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• their approaches to leading the community
• their main achievements
• the main difficulties they encountered
• their significance as examples of leadership
• the importance of their rules as models for government today
• their importance as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with other states.
(Note that the lives and activities of the Caliphs during the Prophet’s lifetime are included in the syllabus
under Paper 1.)
Candidates should know the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs, and should explore the significance
of these events for the early and later history of Islam. They should also understand the importance of their
rules as examples for later times.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.

4. The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam
Candidates should study:
• the Six Articles of Faith:
– God, including what Muslims believe about him
– angels, their nature and duties
– books, their contents and purpose
– prophets, their character and function
– God’s predestination and decree, its meaning and significance
– Resurrection and the last day, the main events and its significance.
• Jihad in its range of meanings, physical, mental and spiritual.
• the Five Pillars of Islam:
– the declaration of faith, shahada, including the significance of what it contains
– prayer, salat, including preparations, its performance and importance, congregational prayers on
Fridays and festivals, times of prayer, the place of prayer, private prayer, delayed prayer
– alms-giving, zakat, how it is performed and its significance in the community
– fasting, sawm, including the way it is observed, its significance and those exempted
– pilgrimage, hajj, including the main observances involved and their significance.
Candidates should know about each of these beliefs and observances, and should also understand their
significance in the faith and action of individual Muslims and of Muslim communities.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic

Other information
  • Language

    This syllabus and the associated assessment materials are available in English only

  • Retakes

Candidates can retake the whole qualification as many times as they want to. This is a linear qualification so
candidates cannot re-sit individual components.


  • Grading and reporting

Cambridge O Level results are shown by one of the grades A*, A, B, C, D or E, indicating the standard
achieved, A* being the highest and E the lowest. ‘Ungraded’ indicates that the candidate’s performance
fell short of the standard required for grade E. ‘Ungraded’ will be reported on the statement of results but
not on the certificate. The letters Q (pending), X (no result) and Y (to be issued) may also appear on the
statement of results but not on the certificate.

International Student Fee : 300 SAR | 80 USD Per Month

NOTE: If you have more than one child, you will need to work out the fees for each child individually. Our program officer will guide your further, please fill the inquiry form below (with you comments – if any).

Course Duration Fee Per Month Total Fee (USD) Total Fee (SAR)
2 Months 80 UDS 160 USD 600 SAR
3 Months 80 UDS 240 USD 900 SAR
4 Months 80 UDS 320 USD 1200 SAR
5 Months 80 UDS 400 USD 1500 SAR
6 Months 80 UDS 480 USD 1800 SAR


  • Clearly describe the course level your child will be studying at.
  • Select the subjects your child will be studying.
  • Siblings fee concession up to 15%.
  • Monthly Fee payment option available (as per your selected course duration).

FREE Resources 

What you need to know before taking IGCSE exams (IGCSE & O Level)

Firstly, A-level exams are 3 hours long and cover about 10 A-Level/IGCSE subject areas. A-levels are usually taken in year 13 of secondary school, but they can be taken at any time. IGCSE exam information

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