Node.js Developer with MongoDB (Complete Course)
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.
Node.js represents a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts.
Students will learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, and more!
Node.Js Course Key Learning
Installing and Exploring Node.js
- Section Intro: Installing and Exploring Node.js
- Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code
What is Node.js?
- Introduction of Node.js
- Why Use Node.js?
- Wiring First Node.js Script
Node.js Module System Project-1(Notes App)
- Importing Node.js Core Modules
- Importing Your Own Files
- Importing npm Modules
- Printing in Color
- Global npm Modules and nodemon
File System and Command Line Args (Notes App)
- Section Intro: File System and Command Line Args
- Getting Input from Users
- Argument Parsing with Yargs
- Storing Data with JSON
- Adding/ Removing a Note
- ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions
- Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions
- Listing Notes – Reading a Note
Debugging Node.js (Notes Apps)
- Section Intro: Debugging Node.js
- Debugging Node.js
- Asynchronous Node.js
- Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop
- Making HTTP Requests
- Customizing HTTP Requests
- An HTTP Request Challenge
- The Callback Function
- ES6 Aside: Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring
- Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge
Web Servers Project-2(Weather App)
- Web Servers Introduction
- Hello Express!
- Serving up HTML and JSON
- Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More
- Dynamic Pages with Templating
- Customizing the Views Directory
- Advanced Templating
Styling the Application
- Accessing API from Browser (Weather App)
- Section Intro: Accessing API from Browser
- The Query String
- Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint
- ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters
- Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch
- Creating a Search Form
- Wiring up the User Interface
Application Deployment (Weather App)
- Section Intro: Application Deployment
- Joining Heroku and GitHub
- Version Control with Git
- Exploring Git
- Integrating Git
- Setting up SSH Keys
- Pushing Code to GitHub
- Deploying Node.js to Heroku
- New Feature Deployment Workflow
- Avoiding Global Modules
MongoDB and Promises (Task App)
- Section Intro: Databases and Advanced Asynchronous Development
- MongoDB and NoSQL Databases
- Installing MongoDB
- Installing Database GUI Viewer
- Connecting and Inserting Documents
- Inserting Documents
- The ObjectID
- Querying Documents
- Promises
- Updating Documents
- Deleting Documents
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
- Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
- What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
- Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
- How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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