Certified Islamic Banking Professional (CIBP) a best and step-by-step course for professionals willing to build their career in modern Islamic banking, learning Digital Islamic Banking or move the next position in Islamic Banking career, program designed as per demand of Modern Islamic Banking Jobs and main principle of Islamic economics and shariah board guidance to cover details of modern Islamic Banking in Pakistan, GCC and rest of the world. A Federal Govt. recognized and attestable Islamic Banking certificate would be awarded to successful candidates, accredited asset for your banking career. 

The essential aim of the CIBP training program is to provide the modern Islamic banking knowledge to the employees working in the financial services/ banking industry or young students / professionals completed their education in Finance and willing to learn the Shari’ah-compliant applications and approaches to a wide range of operations and business situations.

Islamic Banking Course Contents

The Main Principle Of Islamic Economics And Shariah Boundaries

  1. Basic Concepts And Philosophy Of Islamic Banking
  2. Islamization Of Financial System In Pakistan
  3. Global View Of Islamic Banking
  4. International Institutions Dealing With Islamic Banking and Finance

Islamic Law Of Contracts And Principles Of Trading:

  1. Accessory Modes
  2. Murabaha As A Financing Mode
  3. Musawamah- Concept And Scope
  4. Shirkah And Musharaka

Concept Of Ijarah (Leasing)

  1. Ijarah As A Mode Of Financing – Islamic Banks’ Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek
  2. Shariah Compliance Aspects Of Ijarah
  3. Practical Issues In Ijarah
  4. Diminishing Musharakah

Concept Of Takaful And Status Of Takaful Industry

  1. Issues In Islamic Credit Cards
  2. Salam / Salaf
  3. Istisna’a And Istisna’a Based Infrastructure
  4. Financing
  5. Application of the system on Deposits & Assets Side

Course Audience

  • Banking professionals looking for in-depth knowledge about modern Branch Banking
  • Finance / BBA / MBA Students
  • Anyone willing to make career in Banking

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Flexible Class Options

  • Week End Classes For Professionals  SAT | SUN
  • Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training

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