BCS ASTQB Certified Mobile tester
The American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) has signed an agreement with BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT for BCS to be an exam provider for the ASTQB Certified Mobile Tester certification.
The mobile certification was created by ASTQB in 2015 for software testers working with mobile devices and mobile apps. ASTQB Certified Mobile Tester certification was created by a group of leading international experts using the latest mobile testing standards.
Course Key Learnings
- Understand and review business and technology drivers for mobile apps in order to create a test strategy.
- Identify and understand the key challenges, risks and expectations associated with testing a mobile application.
- Apply test types and levels specific to mobile applications.
- Apply common test types, such as those mentioned in [ISTQB_CTFL_2018], in the mobile specific context.
- Carry out the activities required specifically for mobile application testing as part of the main activities described in the ISTQB® Test Process.
- Identify and use suitable environments and appropriate tools for mobile application testing.
- Understand methods and tools used specifically to support mobile application test automation.
Course Outline
Introduction to this Syllabus
- Purpose of this Document
- Examinable Learning Objectives
- Introduction to Mobile Testing
- What is a Mobile Application
- Expectations from Mobile Users
- Challenges for Testers
- Frequent Releases
- Portability/Compatibility
- Necessary Skills
- Equipment Requirements
- Lifecycle Models
Test Planning and Design
- Identify Functions and Attributes
- Identify and Assess Risks
- Determine Coverage Goals
- Determine Test Approach
- Identify Test Conditions and Set Scope
- Regression Testing
Quality Characteristics for Mobile Testing
- Introduction
- Functional Testing
- Introduction
- Correctness
- Security
- Interoperability
- Test Design
- Performance Testing
- Usability Testing
- Portability Testing
Environments and Tools
- Tools
- Application to Mobile
- Generic Tools
- Commercial or Open Source Tools
- Environments and Protocols
- Environment Considerations
- Protocols
- Specific Application-Based Environment Considerations
- Browser-based Applications
- Native Device Applications
- Hybrid Applications
- Real Devices, Simulators, Emulators and the Cloud
- Real Devices
- Simulators
- Emulators
- Cloud
- Performance Test Tools and Support
- Test Automation
- Tool Support
- Skills Needed
- Expect Rapid Growth
- Build for Change
- Architect the Testing
- Enable Efficient Maintenance
- Select Tools for Flexibility
- Select Partners Carefully
- Plan for the Future
- Lifecycle Models
- Alternative Testing
- Anticipating the Future..
The ISTQB® Foundation Level certificate must be obtained before taking this exam.
Who is it for?
Aimed at anyone involved in software testing who wishes to broaden their knowledge of Mobile Application Testing or anyone who wishes to start a specialist career in Mobile Application Testing.
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- Evening Classes | Workshops | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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