BCS FSDEV Foundation Certificate in Systems Development
In today’s world, that is a question that concerns many. How can they acquire skills that will make the best in their respective fields? Well the first step is to be able to know what you want. The second is to realize that a technical transition is needed to make this dream come true- one must pass a certification exam like BCS FSDEV exam.
You should realize that preparation of BCS FSDEV BCS Foundation Certificate in Systems Development exam is actually pretty easy. Use of BCS FSDEV BCS certification exam product will leads you toward undeniable success.
Well, our site will hand over BCS FSDEV PDF materials through which you can practice the BCS FSDEV BCS Foundation Certificate in Systems Development exam questions. It will also enable you to put your skills to the test- you should be able to practice what you know on the Test-Module software.
Course Key Learnings
- Identify the tasks and disciplines required for systems development and the implementation of the development
- Describe the relationship between systems development and the wider term solution development
- Interpret the business requirements and produce systems requirements
- Describe the commonly used development lifecycles defined in the syllabus
- Select a particular development lifecycle based on specific characteristics
- Describe in detail one method that embraces one (or more) of these generic lifecycles
- Describe the structure, activities and deliverables of this method
- Identify the key roles and responsibilities within the chosen method and describe how these can be used to form team.
Course Outline
System Development roles and responsibilities (10%)
- Identify the Actors/Roles and Responsibilities within system development and implementation (for example, analysts, designers, developers, testers and technical architects)
- Characteristics of these roles
- Team structure
Architecture (5%)
- Examinable as multiple choice, but difficult to examine in a practitioner open book exam
- Different levels of architecture – Enterprise, Business, Solution, Infrastructure (networks, databases)
- Inputs at Enterprise level
- Inputs at Solution and Infrastructure level
- Impacts of design decisions
Systems Development Lifecycles (15%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Waterfall
- V Model
- Incremental or phased delivery
- Spiral or iterative
- Advantages and disadvantages of each approach
- Selection of an appropriate approach on defined characteristics
Development Practices (10%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Bespoke development
- Evolutionary / Agile
- Prototyping
- Component based development
- Software Package solutions (COTS Commercial off-the-shelf)
Methods (20%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book.
- However, the methods are chosen by the Examination Provider so each Provider will set questions for their chosen method.
- If this module were to be centralised and offered as a multiple choice then different sets of questions would need to be produced for each possible method (e.g. Iterative, prototyping, DSDM,).
- SDE Syllabus V2.5 December 2016
- This and all subsequent sections of the syllabus should be covered in the light of the specific chosen method.
- Structure and content of a chosen representative method
- Describe and interpret three representation models from the method, showing at least:
- Process perspective
- Data perspective
- Event perspective
- Explain how these models can be used to depict the logical and physical aspects of a system
Roles and team structures within the chosen method - Products within a chosen method
Systems Investigation (10%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Fact finding approaches:
- Workshops
- Prototyping
- Interviewing
- Questionnaires (for usability or package selection for example)
- Scenario analysis
- Functional requirements definition
- Non-functional requirements definition
- Documenting system requirements
- Human aspects of systems investigation and introducing change
System Design, Deployment and Maintenance (10%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Controls and security
- Verification and validation
- Interface design
- Design principles and constraints (legal, ethical, financial)
- Different types of implementation
- Sign off and deployment
- Post implementation reviews
- Different types of maintenance and support
Quality Assurance (15%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Definitions of quality
- Requirements driven testing
- Types of walkthrough and inspection
- Post Project Reviews
- Service Level Agreements
CASE, CAST, Application Lifecycle Management tools (5%)
- Examinable in both multiple choice and practitioner open book
- Software support for systems development
- Features of CASE and CAST tools
- Features of Application Lifecycle Management
- Lifecycle coverage
- Configuration and version control
- None.
Who is it for?
- Anyone who is involved in any aspect of systems development.
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