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Oracle Forms Developer Training Course – 11g OCP OCA 🏷️

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Price: Original price was: 65,000₨.Current price is: 60,000₨.
2 Months
0 Lessons

11g OCP OCA Course


Oracle Developer Forms course that will enable students to develop, implement and deploy internet applications using Oracle’s Forms Application. Working in a rapid development environment, students learn how to customize forms through user input items and how to control data access by creating event-related triggers using PL/SQL. [/vc_column_text]

Creating Oracle Forms Developer Applications Using


  • List the benefits of using Forms Developer wizards
  • List wizard features
  • Identify wizard types
  • Create basic form modules using wizards

Working with the Enhanced User Interface

  • Use enhancements in the Property Palette
  • Create triggers using Smart Triggers
  • Use enhancements in the Toolbar Ribbon
  • Control item appearance by using Picker Dialogs
  • Use enhancements in the PL/SQL editing environment
  • Use the Forms Application Programmatic Interface (API) functionality

Ensuring Consistency Across Applications

  • Apply subclassing as a replacement for referencing
  • Identify improvements of subclassing over referencing
  • Use the object library
  • Describe the uses of property classes, object groups, and object libraries
  • Create and apply SmartClasses
  • Use template forms
  • Modify object appearance with partial visual attributes
  • Use global libraries and record groups

Representing Data Within Your Application

  • Identify the effects of Array DML
  • Use the features for reducing database roundtrips and memory usage
  • Perform database operations asynchronously
  • Use new data block properties
  • Use the data sources available for queries and DML
  • Determine the appropriate data sources for data blocks
  • Create a data block based on a nested SELECT statement

Understanding Oracle8 Object Features

  • Describe Oracle8 scalar datatypes
  • Describe object types and objects
  • Describe object tables, object columns and object views
  • Describe the INSTEAD- OF Triggers
  • Describe object REFs

Working with Oracle8 Object Features in Oracle Forms Developer

  • Use the Oracle8 support in Oracle Forms Developer
  • Create data blocks that use Oracle8 objects
  • Coordinate data blocks using REFs
  • Use the Oracle8 Large Object (LOB) support in Oracle Forms Developer
  • Use PL/SQL8 support in Oracle Forms Developer

Enhancing Items

  • Use the image item enhancements
  • Create items based on Calculated Fields
  • Recognize boilerplate objects in the Object Navigator
  • Create item labels using item prompt properties
  • Implement Tooltips for items
  • Implement context-sensitive pop-up menus
  • Include sound in your application
  • Set item colors and fonts directly
  • Create a Hierarchical Tree Item
  • Host a JavaBean in an application
  • Create an LOV using the LOV Wizard
  • Create an LOV dynamically

Enhancing Interactivity

  • Create and edit in-place stacked canvases
  • Create tab-style layouts
  • Create integrated toolbar buttons for menu commands
  • Display a platform-specific file dialog

Including Charts and Reports

  • Include charts using the Chart Wizard
  • Implement Report objects


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