Diploma in Advanced Web Development 🌎 International Student Course
(All-in-One Fed. Govt Approved Diploma Course)
Diploma Advanced Web Development and Design course prepared to provide step by step education to students, best web diploma to cover tools like HTML5, CSS, WordPress, SEO, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamviewer, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL Database and many other tools used in Modern Web Development program.
Web development jobs have taken thе hot seat when it comes to career opportunities and positions as a Web developer, as every company thаt has or wishes to build a strong online presence is on thе lookout for expert and skilled professionals who are proficient in making Web development solutions and applications, with thе aim of making their website noticeable, attractive and trustworthy. Believe it or not, most of thе potential customers of a company tend to use thе looks and feel of Thе Company’s official website, as a deciding factor for whether or not the company is reliable. Thus, thе credibility of an online business rests in thе hands of its Web developer!
Course Summary
- Modern Website Design Basic Concepts
- Using Web Design Tools (HTML, CSS, Adobe Dream viewer, WordPress)
- Designing Web Contents and Edit Images using Adobe Photoshop
- How to Design a Responsive Website UI with BootStrap and WordPress
- Working with WordPress Themes
- Adding Functionalities to your site (blogs, posts, Widgets and Media)
- Using PHP and MySQL Database
- Getting Started With WordPress
- Designing eCommerce Websites in WordPress
- Final Project
- Federal Govt. Recognized Diploma
Module-I Understanding Web Site Development Concepts and Tools
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Website/ Web/ Web Platforms/Web App
- HTML Basic & Advance
- Understanding CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) and Bootstrap
- Working with PHP
- Understanding Client side and server side languages
- PHP use for web development
- Creating HTML static website Project
- Configuration of APACHE and PHP
- Sublime Text/ VS Code
- Learning SQL + PHP MyAdmin ( Database tools)
- Creating a Contact Form
Module-II Working with CMS – WordPress SITE
Chapter-1 WordPress Web Development – Introduction
- Introduction to website development
- Understanding WordPress Content Management System – CMS
- Getting Started with WordPress
- What is WordPress and its advantages
Chapter-2 Configuring WordPress Theme Setups
- Setting up WordPress
- Download WordPress FREE themes
- Logging in WordPress admin area
- Familiarise with the WordPress Dashboard
- Editing the user profile
- Configuring the Dashboard settings
Chapter-3 Customizing WordPress
- Installing and activating themes
- Exploring the themes option
- Installing plugins and using them
- Info about various widgets and working with them
- Setting up custom background and header images
- Creating custom menus and custom widgets
Chapter-4 Launching Your eCommerce Site
- Launching Your WordPress Site and After work
- Submitting the site to search engines
- Managing WordPress users and permission levels
- Managing comments and controlling spam
- eCommerce Website Project
Module 05 : PHP programming
- Use the echo() and print() functions
- Integrate HTML with echo() and print() functions
- Declare and use constants
- Declare and initialize PHP variables
- Understand the type of values held in PHP variables
- Use arithmetic operators to perform math functions
- Use comparison operators to make logical comparisons
- Understand basic if statement
- Create complex if statements which facilitate multiple outcomes
- Use the PHP switch statement
- Work with while loops.
- Identify when a do…while loop is appropriate and use it
- Code a for loop
- Create simple arrays
- Use string functions to manipulate strings
Module 06 : PHP programming (advanced)
- Write simple functions
- Write functions that take arguments and return a value
- Read and write text files to the server
- Read, write and parse CSV files
- Pass session variables between PHP pages
- Send plain text and HTML emails using PHP
- Use a database to create a complete CRUD app
- Store data in the MySQL database
- Retrieve data from the MySQL database
- Modify and delete MySQL database data
Module 07 Creating eCommerce shopping cart (using WordPress and MySQL database)
- eCommerce Shopping Cart introduction
- Design the Shopping Cart
- Add to cart functionality
- Create four shopping cart items (your products)
- Using the bootstrap card
- Display information about the shopping cart products.
- Create header- display how many cart items are there in the cart.
- Add products in the cart
- Shopping bucket
- Shopping cart items with their price
- Setup Shopping Cart Number of products and its total payable amount.
- Update Cart : remove this product from the shopping cart list
- Total payable amount
- Check Duplicate Products: Create validation message Product is already added in the cart!
Module 08 : Projects
- Create your Ecommerce Store with WordPress
- Create CRUD App with PHP
Web Development Internship
After completion of Web Development Course top students would be offered to join Web Development Internship program to get the exposure to corporate business requirements and quick career start. (Internships and Jobs)