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SAP Certification Exam Registration Steps in Karachi Pakistan Dubai

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We often receive many inquires and question about SAP Certification Exam registration process, SAP exam fee, how to appear in SAP exam and eligibility criteria etc., a lot of confusion among people specially from students willing to proceed for Certification Exam after completing their respective SAP course training. We hope this article would be be helpful for all students and professionals willing to start and grow their career in SAP Consulting practices and also get a better understanding about which SAP functional or technical training to select, how to pass SAP Certification Exam and start a bright career in SAP Consulting practice all over the globe.

How to register for SAP Certification Exam and what are the new changes in the Certification process?

SAP Certification Process

  • Effective 2020 SAP has reduced its certification cost to 587 USD, it’s a Cloud-Based Certification that means its not cloud version of HANA, it’s a Cloud-Based Exam when you can write the exam from anywhere no need to visit SAP Certification Center and write the exam from there,
  • The Certification in the Cloud subscription provides you with a 12- months access to the Certification Hub, where you can schedule up to a maximum of 6 exam bookings over your subscription period. Your subscription is valid for all exams available for booking in the Certification Hub. You also can take each exam up to a maximum of three times. The exams are remotely proctored via a webcam on your PC or laptop and you can schedule your exam 24 x 7 via the Certification Hub.
  • After successfully passing the exam you will receive an SAP Global Certification digital badge.

1: Go to https://training.sap.com/ to Registers/login

2: If your already having Credentials to login enter details or click Register to create an account.

3:Once you login / Account is created you will have Screen as shown below

4: Now you have successfully logged in to SAP Training Profile.

5: Its time for purchasing Certification Subscription.

Scroll to the bottom and change county to the Pakistan, US or any other as per your current location or preference

6: Search with CER006 Code in Search area

7: Select the CER006 Product

8: Once its opened click on add to basket

9: Once you Click to Add to Basket

10: Click on Proceed to Basket after checking/confirming the details

11: If you have any Campaign Code enter and click Proceed to Checkout.

12: Provide the First and Last Name Correctly because with this name only Certificate will be published.

13: If you are doing through Company, select My Company Details or else select self-employed.

14: Fill the mandatory fields for billing as well as address.

15: Once you fill all the mandatory fields of address scroll down to accept terms and conditions as shown below

16: Click on save.

17: Once All the Details and Correct will get above Screen

18: Before making payment once recheck details

19: Scroll down to make payment.

20: Select Credit/Debit Card if you are making payment by own

21: Select Activation Code if Company is Sponsoring for Certification.

22: Once card details is entered and click Submit.

23: Will receive A confirmation Mail from SAP

24: It takes 48/72 Hrs to process and get activated the Subscription

25: Once its Activated will receive S-USER ID which will be P-USER ID with Limited Access in terms of OSS and all.

26: Once S-USER ID and Subscription got activated login to SAP TRAINING and open menu as shown above

27: Select Access Purchased Subscription option.

28: SAP Will Provide 15 days free access to Learning Hub as well, click on access SAP Learning Hub for accessing it

29: Click Access SAP Cloud Certification to Schedule Exam and write Exam.

30: Note we can access above 2 Subscription only Via SAP Training

31: As shown above, SAP Certification Hub Will get Opened.

32: Click on Exam dashboard

33: Click on Schedule Exam and select Module / Certification which you wanted to do. as per the available time slots

34: Once scheduled will receive a confirmation mail by confirming the time slot

So in this way, we can register for Certification exam and become a certified SAP Consultant

SAP Training Courses to Start Career as Functional or Technical Consultant

SAP ERP Consulting offers two career paths for professionals willing to start their career in SAP i.e. Functional Consultant and Technical Consulting.

SAP Functional Consultant Track most suitable for students and professionals with educational qualification in Finance will prefer to go for SAP FICO training, while SAP Successfactors would be the right career choice for anyone has educational background with Human Resource Management.

SAP Technical Consultant Track most suitable for students with Computer Sciences degree or Network and system administration or programming experience and willingness do hands-on IT technical tasks.

You may select any SAP Training course from the below listed SAP Functional or Technical Training Groups

SAP Functional Consultant Track

SAP Technical Consultant Track

I’m wishing you lots of success in SAP consulting practice best of luck in reaching the top of your SAP career. … Let your dreams unravel happiness in lives of those around you!

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