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Top Must Know Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Interview Questions And Answers in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Interview  Q&A

Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Interview Questions

If you’re looking for Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at right place. There are lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical has a market share of about 1.6%. So, You still have opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle Cloud Technical. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle Cloud Technical Interview Questions 2019 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Developer.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical Interview Questions

Q. What are the types of data that you can use in the Cloud Fusion Application including cloud? Which one is more critical among them?
With respect to the rise in the cloud technology since last few years, a significant change has been seen in the data types. Presently, three types of data are common in the Oracle Fusion Cloud and they are:

1. Structured
2. Unstructured
3. Semi-structured

Among all these three, the unstructured data is considered as critical data. This is because it is not classified in any manner and is generally a combination of different types of files, videos, images, as well as text.

Q. On which servicing model Oracle Fusion cloud technology is based on?
It is based on Saas which is also one of its biggest benefits

Q. Tell something about the Open source cloud database platform you are familiar with?
The fact is Open source is something that enables the users to manage the cloud exactly in the way they want. Because scalability, reliability, efficiency, as well as speed matters a lot, document-oriented approach is very important and offer high storage abilities. Some open source approaches which are common are CouchDB, MongoDB as well as LucidDB. 

Q. How secure data on the cloud is?
Well, organizations need not to worry about the same and this is because cloud is a safe approach. It comes with multiple benefits and users need not to worry about the security. This is because users are allowed to impose various security restrictions on their data such as login with a user-name and a password, data encryption and so on. However, there are certain factors that organizations must pay attention to before they consider any cloud service. 

Q. Is it possible to reconcile the data from output form to input form?
In Oracle Fusion Cloud, it is possible and can generally be done with the help of an approach known as Input Validation.

Q. How can you say that Oracle Fusion cloud technology is beneficial for an organization?
1. It always make sure of security when it comes to data storage and backup
2. Oracle Fusion cloud approach is highly agnostic to OS
3. It enable users to keep up the pace simply because of its virtualization, as well as Sandboxing abilities
4. Another good thing is it is cost effective
5. It always make sure of better productivity 
6. Oracle Fusion Cloud comes as Saas
7. Without hardware investment, users can simply take full benefit of server capabilities
8. Scaling, as well as growth can be managed simultaneously

Q. Suppose you need to transfer the maximum amount of data very quickly in or out from the cloud what would you do?
Using the “Performance Cloud” is a good option. It is actually used by a lot of professionals for getting the outcomes that are advanced and needs fast data transmission. 

Q. What exactly do you mean by Eucalyptus?
It is actually a combination of the following terms
1. Elastic
2. Utility
3. Computing
4. Architecture
5. Linking
6. Programs
7. Usefulness
8. Systems
It is actually a third-party software that can be used for the implementation of the different clusters in the cloud. Basically, it can be considered to divide a cloud into hybriad, community, private as well as in public domain. The entire data center can easily be transformed into a private cloud in case the need of same is realized.

Q. What are the security measures regarding the Oracle Fusion cloud you are familiar with?
The fact is there are certain levels for the security that organizations must pay attention to. Oracle Fusion Cloud allows identity management which is a good security measure. It makes sure that the applications, hardware, as well as the services are only used by those which are authorized for the same. Another measure is access control. It makes sure that users always remain in a position to control the entire access of the cloud if they are authorized. In addition to this, authentication and authorization are the other methods that users can deploy to keep up the pace simply. 

Q. What is the lowest level of cloud architecture in Oracle Fusion and what does it provide?
The lowest level is Node Controller and it is responsible for controlling the activities of Virtual Machines. It can also be employed for termination, execution and managing the same.

Q. Which platforms you will consider when it comes to cloud computing on a large scale?
Apache Hadoop is widely regarded as one of the finest option. It’s because this software platform can simply distribute and store data even if the same needs to be managed on a cluster. The reliability can also be assured when it comes to building the same from the commodity hardware. Another leading reason to consider the same is it always makes sure of data integrity, security, operations, governance as well as processing of same.

Q. Tell something about the deployment options you are familiar with which are common in the cloud technology?
It is not always necessary that a deployment model which is good for one organization also offer same pros for other organizations. Many internal factors related to organizations can impose a limit on them. The organizations which are large in size always prefer the private cloud while on the other hand, public cloud is a good option for the organizations with small size. 

Q. Why would one use the API in the Cloud?
Generally, writing the fledged programs fully is something that waste a lot of time. API makes sure that need of same get eliminated up to a good extent. Application can be made to communicate with one another through the instructions provided by the API. Also, cloud can easily be linked to other systems outside the link. 

Q. How private cloud and community cloud infrastructure are different from one another?
Private cloud is actually an option for the single organizations that can have multiple branches and units. Organizations are free to enable third-party businesses to operate their cloud. In other words, they can outsource their cloud operations to other organizations provided all the security policies defined by them are meet. Private cloud can be in a remote data center.
On the other side, community cloud infrastructure is considered by different businesses in a shared manner. All the tasks related to managing the same is the sole responsibility of their own. The community cloud infrastructure can also be in a remote data center that can be accessed easily. 

Q. In the hierarchy of cloud, which layer is at the top?
Controller is always at the top and it manages the network, server, API, as well as storage of data.

Q. What do you understand with Paas, Iaas and Saas? How they can be put different from one another?
These are actually the different service models which are supported by the Oracle Fusion Cloud. 
Paas in an approach in which the OS and hardware, both are provided by the third-party organizations and is managed by the Fusion. In Iaas, either hardware or the OS is provided by a third-party organization and in Saas, all the programs, as well as the applications are managed by a third party. These models make cloud computing different for different organizations. There are certain factors related to them which are also not same and this generally includes cost, as well as data security.

Q. Which option one should choose among “Cloud infrastructure exists in the data center of the organization offering cloud service” or it exists in their own organization and why?
Well, it largely depends on the factors such as budget/turnover of the organization. In addition to this, it depends on the overall quantity of data that an organization has to manage. Both have their own pros and cons. 

Q. According to you, what is the best available strategy that one should consider to secure data before moving it in the cloud and why?
Probably the first step is to make sure that it is not possible for the others that the ones which are authorized to access data to be intercepted. Avoiding the data leaks is very important. There are several options for securing keys that can be opted. Also, it is necessary to check that the data is not infected by any malware and virus. 

Q. Name two categories in which the datacenters can be put in the Cloud environment?
These are Low Density Data Centers and Containerized Data Canters.

Q. Are you familiar with the applications suite of Oracle Fusion Cloud presently?
Oracle has highly accelerated their Cloud offering which is now operated and accessed by organizations in the sector Customer Relationship Management, Governance, Risk Management, Hospitality, Data Analysis organizations, defense and lots more.

Q. Name the four phases which are involved in the Oracle Fusion Cloud?
These are Monitor Phase, Cleanup Phase, Launch Phase and Shut Down Phase.

Q. Name the common layers which are present in a cloud architecture?
These are:
1. Walrus
2. Storage
3. Cloud Controller
4. Node Controller
5. Storage Controller

Q. Let us say you need to migrate to the cloud environment for the first time, what would be your essential considerations?
The very first thing is to address the compliance issues and the probability of its loss. The other factor to pay attention to is ensuring the availability, data integrity, storage types as well as overall downtime of the cloud. 

Q. Name the approach that makes sure that the data is processed in a recommended manner within an application in the cloud?
This approach is Process Controlling

Q. Tell any two benefits of Cloud technology which you think is the best it can offer to organizations?
For organizations, it is possible to access the applications/software without installing them in the system. In addition to this, for large-scale applications, the cost related to support and maintenance can be eliminated up to a good extent. In addition to this, zero infrastructure investment is also possible for organizations in most of the cases. 

Q. What are the basic factors related to efficiency and scalability that matters while performing different tasks in a Cloud? 
Speed of processor in the system, complexity of services, Intra-cloud communication and Cloud Ingress are the services which largely matters. 

Q. What do you understand from the term utility computing?
It is actually regarded as one of the cost-saving strategies by many businesses in need of cloud services. In Oracle Fusion, it is possible for the users to pay for the service they are taking on per use basis. All the organizations that consider growth and scale model can benefit from this. The best part is services, as well as the applications, can simply be implemented as per the needs. 

Q. What can be considered as the building block in the cloud while you are performing any basic task related to the data?
Technical Architecture, Reference Architecture, Deployment Architecture, as well as Performance Architecture are the basic building blocks. It is not always necessary that all the building blocks are required in all the tasks. 

Q. Give one reason why the MapReduce can be a good option for processing mass data?
Users can simply keep up the pace with the commodity hardware and without actually investing the money on a large scale. In addition to this, it always makes sure of transparent scalability, as well as huge fault tolerance ability. Moreover, the wide Google support ensures users can keep up the pace all the time without facing any issue.

Q. Name one optimization strategy that is useful during a data disaster approach?
Oracle Fusion allows the concept of using three-data approach which makes sure of data backup. Using the same is always a good option for the organizations as this can simply enable them to keep up the pace with data all the time. 

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