Groovy Scripting Basic to Advance
Groovy is very similar in syntax to Java so it is generally easy for Java developers to
learn (Java code is generally valid Groovy code). However, Groovy has many additional
features and relaxed syntax rules: closures, dynamic typing, meta-programming (via
metaClass ), semicolons are optional, regex support, operator overloading, GStrings, and more. Groovy is interpreted at runtime, but in Groovy 2.0 the ability to compile to bytecode and enforce type-checking were added to the language.
Course Key Learnings
Write groovy code with great ease
Get source code of each tutorials
Would be able to understand basics of unit testing of java code with groovy
Course Outline
Module1: Software to Install
- Java/Groovy
- Trying It Out
- Code on Github
Module2: : Groovy 101
- What Is Groovy? .
- Compact Syntax
- Dynamic def
- List and Map Defi nitions
- Groovy GDK
- Everything Is an Object
- Easy Properties
- GString
- Closures ..
Module3: Tools
- Console
- Compilation
- Shell
- Documentation
Module4: GDK
- Collections
- Spread .
- GPath
- Files
- URLs
- Ranges
- Utilities
- Confi gSlurper
- Expando .
- ObservableList/Map/Set
Module5: Coming from Java
- Default Method Values .
- Equals, Hashcode, and More .
- Regex Pattern Matching
- Missing Java Syntax
- Semicolon Optional
- Where Are Generics?
- Groovy Numbers
- Boolean-Resolution .
- Map Syntax
Module6: Groovy Design Patterns
- Strategy Pattern
- Meta-Programming
- Meta-Class
- Categories
- Missing Methods
- Delegation
- Delegate
- Overriding Operators
- Missing Methods and Properties
- Defining Traits
- Using Traits
Module9:Functional Programming
- Functions and Closures
- Using Closures
- Map/Filter/And So On
- Immutability
- Groovy Fluent GDK
- Groovy Curry
- Method Handles
- Tail Recursion
Module10:Groovy GPars
- Parallel Map Reduce
Module11:: Groovy Awesomeness
- Web and UI Frameworks
- Grails
- Griffon
- Cloud Computing Frameworks
- Build Frameworks
- Testing Frameworks/Code Analysis
- Easyb
- Concurrency
- Projects and Tasks
- Plugins
- Confi guring a Task
- Extra Confi guration
- Maven Dependencies
- Gradle Properties
- Multiproject Builds
- Quick Overview of Grails
- Plugins.
- REST in Grails
- Short History of Grails
- Testing
- Cache Plugin
- Grails Wrapper
- Cloud
- Spock Basics
- A Simple Test
- Mocking
- Lists or Tables of Data
- Expecting Exceptions
Module15: Ratpack
- Script
- Gradle
- Ratpack Layout
- Handlers .
- Rendering
- Groovy Text
- Bindings
- Blocking
- Configuration
- Testing ……..
Who this course is for:
- Any one with small knowledge of programming
Why Groovy?
Here, are major reasons why you should use and learn Groovy-
- Groovy is an agile and dynamic language
- Seamlessly integration with all existing Java objects and libraries
- Feels easy and natural to Java developers
- More concise and meaningful code compares to Java
- You can use it as much or as little as you like with Java apps
International Student Fee:350 USD
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
- Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
- What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
- Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
- How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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Flexible Class Options
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Corporate Group Trainings Available
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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