Oracle Database SQL Expert
Oracle DBA recommended training provides the best DBA course(s) to help you prepare for your OCP exam. Exam topics may not map exactly, a multifaceted preparation approach is recommended.[/vc_column_text]
Restricting and Sorting Data
- Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query
- Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query
- Use substitution variables
- Use the SQL row limiting clause
- Create queries using the PIVOT and UNPIVOT clause
- Use pattern matching to recognize patterns across multiple rows in a table
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
- Describe various types of functions that are available in SQL
- Use character, number, and date and analytical (PERCENTILE_CONT, STDDEV, LAG, LEAD) functions in SELECT statements
- Use conversion functions
Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
- Identify the available group functions
- Use group functions
- Group data by using the GROUP BY clause
- Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
- Use equijoins and nonequijoins
- Use a self-join
- Use outer joins
- Generate a Cartesian product of all rows from two or more tables
- Use the cross_outer_apply_clause
Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
- Use subqueries
- List the types of subqueries
- Use single-row and multiple-row subqueries
- Create a lateral inline view in a query
EXTRACT Managing Schema Objects
- Manage constraints
- Create and maintain indexes including invisible indexes and multiple indexes on the same columns
- Create indexes using the CREATE TABLE statement
- Create function-based indexes
- Drop columns and set column UNUSED
- Perform flashback operations
- Create and use external tables
Manipulating Large Data Sets
- Manipulate data using subqueries
- Describe the features of multitable INSERTs
- Use multitable inserts
- Unconditional INSERT
- Pivoting INSERT
- Conditional ALL INSERT
- Conditional FIRST INSERT
- Merge rows in a table
- Track the changes to data over a period of time
- Use explicit default values in INSERT and UPDATE statements
Generating Reports by Grouping Related Data
- Use the ROLLUP operation to produce subtotal values
- Use the CUBE operation to produce crosstabulation values
- Use the GROUPING function to identify the row values created by ROLLUP or CUBE
- Use GROUPING SETS to produce a single result set
Using the Set Operators
- Explain set operators
- Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
- Control the order of rows returned
Manipulating Data
- Describe the DML statements
- Insert rows into a table
- Update rows in a table
- Delete rows from a table
- Control transactions
Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
- Categorize the main database objects
- Review the table structure
- Describe the data types that are available for columns
- Create tables
- Create constraints for tables
- Describe how schema objects work
- Truncate tables, and recursively truncate child tables
- Use 12c enhancements to the DEFAULT clause, invisible columns, virtual columns and identity columns in table creation/alteration
Creating Other Schema Objects
- Create simple and complex views with visible/invisible columns
- Retrieve data from views
- Create, maintain and use sequences
- Create private and public synonyms
Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views
- Query various data dictionary views
Controlling User Access
- Differentiate system privileges from object privileges
- Grant privileges on tables and on a user
- View privileges in the data dictionary
- Grant roles
- Distinguish between privileges and roles
Managing Data in Different Time Zones
- Use various date time functions
Retrieving Data Using Subqueries
- Use multiple-column subqueries
- Use scalar subqueries
- Use correlated subqueries
- Update and delete rows using correlated subqueries
- Use the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
- Use the WITH clause
Hierarchical Retrieval
- Interpret the concept of a hierarchical query
- Create a tree-structured report
- Format hierarchical data
- Exclude branches from the tree structure
Regular Expression Support
- Use meta Characters
- Use regular expression functions to search, match and replace
- Use replacing patterns
- Use regular expressions and check constraints
Flexible Class Options
- Morning | Evening Classes | Workshops | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training