GPT With NextJS and OpenAI API
In this comprehensive online course, you’ll learn how to harness the power of these cutting-edge technologies to build a fast, responsive, and dynamic web application that generates high-quality blog posts using AI. With step-by-step guidance, you’ll gain hands-on experience working with each of these technologies to bring your vision to life.
By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to build your own AI-powered app and unleash the full potential of AI in your web development projects. So what are you waiting for? Join now and start your journey to the exciting world of AI-powered Next JS apps!
What you’ll learn
Build your own SAAS products powered by AI and Next JS
Use OpenAI’s GPT to implement AI generated content in your apps
Authenticate your Next JS apps with Auth0
Style your Next JS apps with Tailwind CSS
Store data for your Next JS apps with MongoDB
Charge customers using stripe
Course Content:
- Set up auth0 for authentication
- Set the autho state & user information if logged in
- Implement protected routes that are only accessible if logged in
Module3:Creating the app lay out with Tailwind Css
Create the basic AppLayout component
Implementing the sidebar & styling with Tailwind CSS
Implementing the sidebar footer
Create the sidebar header & roll out the AppLayout for all relevant pages
Create the app logo component using Google Fonts & FontAwesome
Create the homepage / main landing page, and finish off the sidebar header
Module4: Generate blog post with OpenAI’s GPT API & store in Mongo DB
- Setting up our project to work with GP
- Refine the OpenAI prompt and render the result
- Pass topic and keywords to the generate Post API endpoint
- Set up MongoDB
- Implement add tokens functionality and store in MongoDB
- Save generated post data to MongoDB
- Load the post data for a particular post page
- Auto-navigate to a post after it’s generated
- Render the post content for a particular post page
- Render list of available posts in the sidebar
Module5: Implementing Stripe Payment
- Set up stripe
- Implement stripe web hooks
- Fix Font Awesome flash of massive icon on load in production
- Styling updates & loading icon
- Validating form data when generating new posts
Module7: Implement “load more post” & delete post
- Create posts context and retrieve first 5 posts
- Create getPosts endpoint
- Hide “load more posts” button and fix disappearing posts in sidebar
- Fix posts in sidebar on initial post load
- Create delete Post endpoint
- Create delete post UI & call deletePost endpoint
- Delete post from sidebar03:42
- Refactor posts context to use reducer instead of state
Who this course is for:
- React developers who want to increase their value as a developer by learning how to create SAAS products and start leveraging the power of AI
International Student Fess: 300 US$
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
- Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
- What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
- Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
- How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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Flexible Class Options
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Corporate Group Trainings Available
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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