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Timings 10.00 am - 08.00 pm

Call : 021-3455-6664, 0312-216-9325 DHA 021-35344-600, 03333808376, ISB 03333808376

Oracle Cloud Support- Managed Services- SLA

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Omni Academy Consulting Services Support
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Oracle Cloud Support . ERP Implementation .  Managed Services/SLA

An effective, well-managed IT system is one of the most valuable business advantages an organization can secure. The right technology, implemented properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains in growth and efficiency.

We understand IT is challenging to get right and expensive to get wrong — not only in terms of money spent, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements.

Today’s challenging economic conditions provide a compelling reason for organizations to review their IT solutions to ensure they are delivering maximum value and are aligned with the organization’s business strategy and goals. To meet with growing competition Omni Academy’s global experienced & certified consultants team ready to support your business growth initiatives to ensure business success at next level.

Our Key Oracle Services

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OMNI ACADEMY & CONSULTING is one of the most prestigious Training & Consulting firm, founded in 2010, under MHSG Consulting Group aim to help our customers in transforming their people and business - be more engage with customers through digital transformation. Helping People to Get Valuable Skills and Get Jobs.

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  • Gulshan Branch: A-242, Sardar Ali Sabri Rd. Block-2, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300, Call/WhatsApp 0213-498-6664, 0331-3929-217, 0334-1757-521, 0312-2169325
  • ONLINE INQUIRY: Call/WhatsApp +92 312 2169325, 0334-318-2845, Lahore 0333-3808376, Islamabad 0331-3929217, Saudi Arabia 050 2283468
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  • Monday 10.00am - 7.00pm
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  • Wednesday 10.00am - 7.00pm
  • Thursday 10.00am - 7.00pm
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday 10.00am - 7.00pm
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