Test Automation With Java and Selenium
Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool for web-based applications. It runs directly on a web browser such as Firefox, chrome, Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari, etc., and supports Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.
This Selenium course will be covering from very basic Selenium to the Expert Level. During the course to explain all ways of interacting with web pages using Selenium. Covering each topic with examples of live websites.
What you’ll learn
You will learn how to write test scripts using Selenium WebDriver.
You will know how to identify various web elements using Selenium.
You will know how to work with Selenium Grid.
You will know how to design frameworks from scratch.
You will able to work on Real time projects after you completed this course.
You will know about Continuous Integration(CI) Process and Tools.
Module-1: Overview on Automation & Selenium
- What is Software Testing?
- Manual Testing & its challenges
- Challenges in Manual testing
- Automation Testing beats Manual testing
- Selenium as an automation testing tool
- Advantages and Disadvantages in Selenium
- Selenium V/s Other Tools
- Selenium Suite of Tools
Module-2: Java Essentials for Selenium
- Download and install Java
- Setup Java Environment
- Download and install Eclipse
- How to use Eclipse/intelliJ
- Basic Java Program
- Compile and run a Java program
- Understanding console output
- Java Variables and Data Types
- Java Operators
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Break and continue
- Arrays
- Single Dimensional array
- Double Dimensional array
- String Class
- String methods
Module-3: Java OOPS Concepts
- Classes and Objects
- Java methods
- Passing parameters to the methods
- Call by value and call by reference
- Java Constructor
- Method Overloading
- Constructor Overloading
- this keyword
- Static variables and methods
- Java Inheritance
Module-4: Selenium WebDriver
- Introduction to WebDriver and architecture
- WebDriver features and drawbacks
- Selenium Webdriver Jars download and configure
- Create WebDriver Project in Eclipse
- Create a WebDriver test case
- Execute test case on multiple browsers
- Locators in Selenium
- Types of Locators – name, id, CSS selector & Xpath
- Capturing Xpath & selectors hub plug-in
- Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath
- Writing XPath
- Built-in functions in XPath
- Handling Dynamic elements using Xpath
- WebDriver commands
- Browser commands
- Get commands
Module-5: Data Driven Testing
Reading Excel & Writing Data into Excel
- Data Driven Testing using Microsoft Excel
Module-6: TestNG Framework
- Introduction to TestNG & Annotations in TestNG
- Annotations,Dependency Methods & Types of Assertions
- DataProviders & Grouping
- Parallel Testing & Invocation count
- TestNG Listeners & Extent Reports
Module-7: Advanced Concepts
- Log4j for logging
- Page Object Model – Page Factory
Module-8: Maven integration with Selenium
Continuous Integration
Module-9: Selenium Grid
- What is Selenium Grid?
- When to Use Selenium Grid?
Module-10: Hybrid Driven Framework implementation on Live Project (Ecommerce Application)
- What is Framework?
- Types of Frameworks
- Prerequisites for designing frameworks
- Implementation of Hybrid Driven Framework
- Creating Maven Project
- Update pom.xml with dependencies
- Creating page objects and Object repository
- Creating utility files
- Setting up configuration files
- Creating automation test scripts
- Creating data driven test scripts
- Generating extent reports
- Generating logs using log4j
- Execute test scripts using TestNG XML File
- Emailing test reports
- Execute test scripts through Maven CLI
- Execute test scripts using bat file
Module-11: Cucumber BDD Framework
- Cucumber Introduction
- Set Up Cucumber with Eclipse
- Cucumber Basics
- Test Scenario,Feature File, Step definitions
- JUnit Test Runner Class options
- Gherkin Keywords
- Data Driven Testing
- Scenarios outline & Examples
- Data table
- Cucumber Tags
Who this course is for:
- Any Fresh Graduates, Students, Working professionals, or Manual testers & who wish to learn this course in order to transform as an Automation Test Engineer can go for this course.
International Student Fee: 350 USD
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
- Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
- What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
- Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
- How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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Flexible Class Options
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Corporate Group Trainings Available
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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