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Category Cambridge

  • Cambridge Accounting Online Course (IGCSE Accounting)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    Cambridge Online Classes (IGCSE Accounting ) The Cambridge IGCSE Accounting course provides students with a solid foundation in the principles of accounting and its application in real-world business scenarios. It emphasizes both theoretical understanding and practical skills, enabling learners to record, analyze, and interpret financial data effectively. This course is ideal for students looking to pursue careers in finance, business, or entrepreneurship, or for those seeking to develop essential life skills in financial management Course Benefits By taking the IGCSE Accounting course, you will: Develop essential financial skills: Learn to record, analyze, and interpret financial information. Gain a strong foundation for further […]

  • IGCSE Online Courses

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Online Courses (GRADE 5 TO 9) Our mission is to provide a high-quality online education at an affordable price to families everywhere. We know the sacrifices parents make to ensure a quality education for their children and we strive to keep our prices as low as we can while providing a world class educational experience. We are tutoring students for IGCSE Curriculum in various subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Business, Computers, ICT, Psychology & Spanish. Each tutor is specialized in their field and has a lot of experience in teaching the IGCSE Curriculum. We are teaching IGCSE […]

  • IGCSE Geography

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    Through the Cambridge O Level Geography syllabus, learners will develop a ‘sense of place’ by looking at the world around them on a local, regional and global scale. Learners examine a range of natural and man-made environments, and learn about some of the processes that affected their development. They will also look at the ways in which people interact with their environment, and the opportunities and challenges an environment can present, thereby gaining a deeper insight into the different communities and cultures that exist around the world. Content overview The syllabus is divided into three themes: Theme 1: Population and […]

  • IGCSE Urdu (Online Class)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Urdu This Urdu syllabus enables learners to achieve greater fluency, accuracy and confidence in the written language, and improve their communication skills. They will learn how to improve their use of Urdu in a variety of situations, understanding how to read texts and other source materials, and how to extract information, and respond to questions in writing. Syllabus Aims and Assessment Objectives 2.1 Syllabus aims The Cambridge International AS & A Level Urdu syllabus aims to: • develop the ability to understand Urdu in a variety of registers • enable students to communicate confidently and clearly in Urdu • […]

  • IGCSE-Islamiat (Online Class)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Islamiat This syllabus enables learners to develop an understanding of the importance of the major beliefs of Islam, and of the early history of the Islamic community. As a result, learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the main elements of Islamic faith and history, evaluating the meaning and importance of these elements in the lives and thoughts of Muslims. Although the syllabus is studied in English, some familiarity with passages from the Qur’an and Hadith in Arabic is assumed.  Syllabus overview All candidates take two written papers and answer in English. Both papers must be taken for the […]

  • IGCSE Economics (Online Class)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Economics The Cambridge IGCSE Economics syllabus develops an understanding of economic theory, terminology and principles. Learners study the economics of different countries and how these interrelate. They also learn to work with simple economics data and to use the tools of economic analysis. Learners apply understanding of economics to current economic issues. Key Learnings: • Use basic economic numeracy and interpret economic data • Use the tools of economic analysis • Express economic ideas logically and clearly in a written form • Apply economic understanding to current economic issues Course Content Module 1;The basic economic problem The first section […]

  • IGCSE Pakistan Studies (Online Classes)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Pakistan Studies (Online Classes) IGCSE Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. They learn about Pakistan’s rich heritage and cultural influences, and about the events which have shaped national identity, from the decline of Mughal power up to 1999. Through their studies, learners also gain an understanding of historical skills and concepts, and examine different interpretations of historical events. Learners also consider the geography of Pakistan and the environmental and development issues facing the country. This will encourage a better understanding of the interaction between economy and environment, an understanding enhanced […]

  • IGCSE Psychology (Online Classes)

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Psychology (Online Classes) The study of psychology is a fascinating journey through the hows and whys of human behaviour.  Our engaging course will cover interesting topics such as Body Language, Prejudice, Conformity and Gender roles, to name but a few. Each lesson of the GCSE Psychology course begins with a set of clearly stated objectives and an explanation of its place in the overall programme of study.   What You Will Learn The aims describe the purposes of a course based on this syllabus. The aims are to enable students to develop: • knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, […]

  • IGCSE - French Language Tuition Online Classes

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE – French Language Tuition Online Classes This syllabus is designed for students who are learning French as a foreign language via live instructor led online class. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. Course Content: Everyday activities • Time expressions (e.g. telling the time, days, days of the week, months, seasons) • Food and drink (e.g. meals, fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and seafood, snacks, […]

  • IGCSE - Mandarin (Chinese) Language Tuition Online Classes

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Mandarin (Chinese Language) Online Classes This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin Chinese (online) as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture of countries where Mandarin Chinese is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of other languages. Course Content: The subject content is organised […]

  • IGCSE - Spanish Language Tuition Online Classes

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE – Spanish Language Tuition Online Classes This syllabus is designed for students who are learning Spanish as a foreign language (online classes). The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. Course Content: The subject content is organised in five broad topic areas (A–E below). These provide contexts for the acquisitionof vocabulary and the study of grammar and structures. The study of these topic areas enables students […]

  • IGCSE Business Studies Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Business Studies (Online Classes) IGCSE Business Studies syllabus develops learners’ understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and the importance of innovation and change. Learners find out how the major types of business organisation are established, financed and run, and how their activities are regulated. Factors influencing business decision-making are also considered, as are the essential values of cooperation and interdependence. Learners not only study business concepts and techniques but also enhance related skills such as numeracy and enquiry. The syllabus provides both a foundation for further study at Cambridge International A Level and an ideal […]

  • IGCSE Economics/Business Studies Online Classes

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Economics IGCSE Economics syllabus develops an understanding of economic theory, terminology and principles. Learners study the economics of different countries and how these interrelate. They also learn to work with simple economics data and to use the tools of economic analysis. Learners apply understanding of economics to current economic issues. (join our online classes). The Cambridge IGCSE Economics syllabus provides a foundation for further study, including Cambridge International AS & A Level Economics, or the equivalent. Course Content: 1: The basic economic problem Topic Finite resources and unlimited wants Economic and free goods Guidance Definition and examples of the […]

  • IGCSE Physics Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Physics (Online Classes) IGCSE Physics helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus includes the basic principles and concepts that are fundamental to the subject, some current applications of physics, and a strong emphasis on practical skills. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for progression to Cambridge International AS & A Level, further education or a career related to science. Course Content: 1: General Physics Length and time Core • Use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders […]

  • IGCSE Biology Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Biology Online Course IGCSE Biology helps learners to understand the biological world in which they live and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus includes the basic principles and concepts that are fundamental to the subject, some current applications of biology, and a strong emphasis on practical skills. Course Content: 1: Characteristics and classification of living organisms Characteristics of living organisms Core • Describe the characteristics of living organisms by defining the terms: – movement as an action by an organism causing a change of position or place – respiration as the chemical reactions in […]

  • IGCSE Chemistry Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Chemistry (Online Classes) IGCSE Chemistry helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus includes the basic principles and concepts that are fundamental to the subject, some current applications of chemistry, and a strong emphasis on practical skills. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for progression to Cambridge International AS & A Level, further education or a career related to science.  Course Content  1: The particulate nature of matter • State the distinguishing properties of solids, liquids and gases • Describe […]

  • IGCSE English Literature Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE English Literature (Online Classes) The syllabus enables learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of literature in English. Learners develop an understanding of literal meaning, relevant contexts and of the deeper themes or attitudes that may be expressed. Through their studies, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English to achieve a range of effects, and will be able to present an informed, personal response to the material they have studied. Course Content 1 Section A: Poetry Maya Angelou, ‘Caged Bird’ Elizabeth Barret Browning, ‘Sonnet 43’ Sujata Bhatt, ‘Muliebrity’ Boey Kim […]

  • IGCSE English Language Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE English Language Cambridge IGCSE First Language English offers candidates the opportunity to respond with understanding to a rich array of reading texts during the course as a whole. Candidates will use these texts to inform and inspire their own writing, and write in a range of text types for different purposes and audiences. Candidates will develop both their speaking and their listening skills, delivering a presentation, and responding toquestions and engaging in conversations. Syllabus overview:The skills covered in the syllabus are outlined below. 1: Reading • Demonstrate understanding of written texts, and of the words and phrases within them […]

  • IGCSE Additional Mathematics Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Additional Mathematics (Online Classes) Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics encourages learners to further develop their mathematical ability in problem solving and provides strong progression for advanced study of mathematics or highly numerate subjects. Syllabus overview Aims The aims describe the purposes of a course based on this syllabus. They are not listed in order of priority. The aims are to: • consolidate and extend their mathematical skills, and use these in the context of more advanced techniques • further develop their knowledge of mathematical concepts and principles, and use this knowledge for problem solving • appreciate the interconnectedness of mathematical […]

  • IGCSE Mathematics Online Course

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Mathematics This Course offers complete coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580/0980) syllabus. It contains detailed explanations and clear worked examples, followed by practice exercises to allow students to consolidate the required mathematical skills. What you’ll learn At the end of this course, you will have covered every topic you need to blitz the IGCSE exams. At the end of this course, you will have a fantastic understanding across the major topics covered in high school Math Course content: This Course offers complete coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580/0980) syllabus. It contains detailed explanations and clear worked examples, […]

  • Online SAT classes

    0 Lessons in ,

    Online SAT Classes The SAT is a college entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to assess readiness for college-level work. Your SAT score is a major factor in college admissions, so it’s important to prep to achieve your best score. The SAT exam tests your skills in math, reading, and writing, and includes an optional essay. Salient Features of the Program: Emphasis on Basics with concepts being taught from inception Comprehensive and Intensive SAT Classroom Training – From Basics to Advanced Special reference to Strategies to be adopted for test, optimization of time management skills Distinct edge provided […]

  • IGCSE Online Courses

    0 Lessons in , 12,000

    IGCSE Online Tution (GRADE 5 TO 9 / O Level & A levels) Our mission is to provide a high-quality online education at an affordable price to families everywhere. We know the sacrifices parents make to ensure a quality education for their children and we strive to keep our prices as low as we can while providing a world class educational experience. We are tutoring students for IGCSE Curriculum in various subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Business, Computers, ICT, Psychology & Spanish. Each tutor is specialized in their field and has a lot of experience in teaching the […]

  • Cambridge IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (0417)

    0 Lessons in ,

    Cambridge IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (0417) Students develop an understanding of the implications of technology in society and the ways Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can help at home, work and the wider world. Through practical and theoretical studies, students solve problems using a variety of common software such as word processors and interactive presentation software. Learners will analyze, design, implement, test, and evaluate ICT systems, making sure that they are fit for purpose. There is an emphasis on developing lifelong skills, which are essential across the curriculum and their future career. Course KeyLearnings: Understanding and using applications Using Information […]

  • Cambridge Books Tutors + FREE Oxford Book Download

    0 Lessons in , 0

    Cambridge Books Tutors  – FREE Oxford Book Download Teaching and learning To support teaching and learning Oxford University providing free access to 200+ digital versions of our Student Books for you to access whilst schools are affected by the corona virus. (Click on link below) Primary Secondary IB Programme Cambridge Assessment International Caribbean Below section provide complete step-by-step guidelines to download any book or activity guide of your choice. How to Download Books/ Activity Guides in .PDF (for Print) ? Open Oxford University Press Website to find OUP Book (click here)   2- Select the Book you want to Convert […]


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