Stress Management
Pressures of work as well as personal life can take a toll on your health. Many life-threatening illnesses are caused due to one common enemy of all mankind – STRESS. Trying to race ahead in a highly competitive and volatile environment is evidently going to raise your stress levels. Not just the mind, but stress is a two-sided sword that harms your body too. It is the source of all negativity that emits bad energy, leading to anger and frustration, thus affecting the quality of life. Executives all over the world are suffering from this chronic condition called Stress. However, it can be dealt with, by developing the right mindset.
Balancing personal and professional life is a constant challenge in today’s world. While we cannot control the events or circumstances creating stressful situations, we can definitely learn to modify our reactions to them. Stress Management training helps you find ways you can control your attitude to lead a more balanced life.
Course KeyLearnings:
- Recognize stress and its causes
- Map how they are presently managing stress
- Apply various methods of dealing with stressful life situations effectively
- Understand the linkage of stress & health
- Stretch their own comfort zone
- Learn about specific muscle-relaxation and breathing techniques
- Develop a personal action plan for gradually reducing and managing stress more effectively
Costs and benefits of reducing work-related stress
- Impact and costs of stress on the organization
- Benefits of tackling workplace stress
- Small group exercise and facilitated group discussion
What is stress/stressors and controls
- An introduction to stress awareness
- The fight or flight response
- Is all stress bad for you?
- Presentation and group discussion
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress
- The four sources of stress – emotional, mental, physiological, and behavioural
- The long-term effects of stress
- Identifying your personal stress map
- Small group exercise with presentation feedback and group discussion, individual questionnaire, and exercise
Stress management toolkit
- Review of current stress management techniques being used by the group
- Coping strategies and tips for managing stress
- Presentation, individual practical activity, and facilitated group discussion
The legal case for dealing with work-related stress
- The legal obligation of the employer to reduce work-related stress
- 5 Steps to Risk Assessment
- Presentation and facilitated group discussion
The HSE Management Standards Approach
- The Risk Assessment approach to reducing stress in the workplace
- Ways to encourage employers and employees to work in partnership to address work-related stress throughout the organization
- Six areas of work that can lead to stress – a review of the standards and what can be done in the participant’s workplace to manage stress
- Presentation, small group exercises, and facilitated group discussion
- For employees to raise employee awareness of their personal stress levels and to help manage stress more effectively.
- For team leaders, supervisors and line managers who wish to reduce and manage work-related stress.
International Student Fee 200 USD
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
- Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
- What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
- Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
- How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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